Using Yadle » Searching with Yadle » Search by Properties

Every file scanned by Yadle has specific properties that provide, amongst other things, information related to where the file is located, its size, age, and file extension. You can search Yadle using many of these properties, however, some of the search results will cover a larger subset than may be desired.

Properties vs Tags

Properties (!)

Properties (!) are essentially pieces of data that are assigned to the file once it has been scanned by Yadle. They are not assigned by a Yadle user.

Tags (#)

Tags (#), by contrast can be assigned to any file by a Yadle user. They are intended to denote categories that the file may belong to.

Search by Properties

  • Yadle search by properties provides a powerful mechanism for filtering search results based on one or more parameters
  • Search properties are entered in the search bar as a term just like keywords and tags. All search properties start with !, followed by the property name and optional equality/inequality operator and values.
  • Some properties have an equality “=“ or inequality “<“, “>”, “>=“, “<=“ operator and a value.
  • A range of values can be searched for by including two of the same search properties in your search, but with a different equality/inequality operator terms on each.
  • You can combine multiple properties, tags, and keywords all in the same search.

Property Categories

1. General

Return files with one or more comments

Specify a specific file channel to search. This allows the searching of one or more File Channels. The user must own or follow the File Channels specified

Limit results to files that were scanned within the [op] and [value] parameters.

Limit results to files that were scanned on the date specified in mm-dd-yyyy format.

Limit results to files that were scanned in the month specified in mm format.

Limit results to files that were scanned in the year specified in yyyy format.

Returns files that have received a generic filetype icon.

  • !scanned<1d will return files scanned within the last day.
  • !scan_date=07-04-2020 will return files that were scanned on July 4th, 2020.
  • !scan_month=02 !scan_year=1999 will return files that were scanned in the month of February from 1999.

2. Age

Limit results to files whose age meets the [op] and [value] parameters. The value can be specified using the following:

  • day or days (d/D/day/Day/days/Days) *this is default
  • week or weeks (w/W/week/Week/weeks/Weeks)
  • month or months (m/M/month/Month/months/Months)
  • year or years (y/Y/year/Year/years/Years)

Age is determined as the interval between the file modification date and the current time & date at your location.

  • !age<1w will return files created or modified within the last week.
  • !age>1m !age<1y will return files created or modified more than a month ago and less than a year ago.

Return files modified in last 24 hours from now. Shortcut for !age<1d

Return files modified on this calendar date (since midnight).

Return files modified on the previous calendar date.

Limit results to files whose creation or modification date is equal to the date specified in mm-dd-yyyy format.

Limit results to files whose creation or modification month is equal to the month specified in mm format.

Limit results to files whose creation or modification year is equal to the year specified in yyyy format.

  • !date=03-17-20 will return files created or modified on March 17th, 2020.
  • !month=09 !year=2019 will return files created or modified in September of 2019.

3. Duplicates

Return files that are unique, I.e. have no duplicates. Same as !duplicates=0.

4. Images, Video, & Documents

Returns files that have a small thumbnail. Additional aliases for this search parameter: !thumbs, !thumbnail, !thumbnails

Returns files that have a medium thumbnail.

5. Platform

Returns files found on a system running a unix/linux variant.

Return files found on a system running macOS.

Return files found on a system running macOS.

Returns files found on a system running a unix/linux variant.

Return files found on a system running Windows.

Return files that have been scanned from a connected Google Drive cloud service.

Return files that have been scanned from a connected Dropbox cloud service.

Return files that have been scanned from a connected OneDrive cloud service.

6. Size

Limit results to files whose size meets the [op] and [value] parameters specified. The default unit for the value parameter is bytes. The unit of values can be specified using these suffixes:

  • k – kilobytes
  • m – megabytes
  • g – gigabytes
  • t – terabytes
  • p – petabytes
  • e – exabytes
  • z – zetabytes

The suffixes are case-insensitive and must immediately follow the value (no white space)

  • !size>4g will return files greater than 4 gigabytes in size.
  • !size>=100m !size<=200m will return files that are between 100 megabytes and 200 megabytes (inclusive) in size.

7. Tags

Return files that have 1 or more tags.

8. Application

The following properties are used to filter results to only include those file types (extensions) supported by the specified application. It is an error to specify more than one application property in a single search.



Specifying a property that has the same purpose as in the view definition will override the definition. For example, a view may not have a startkey or endkey value, but the user could specify such values in the search terms.

Used to select the view format to use for results. [value] is one of:

  • grid – display results in a grid
  • html – display results as HTML
  • json – display raw json results
  • lightbox – display results in lightbox
  • rows – display results in rows (this is default)

If [value] is not one of the above, it will default to “rows”. Some searches will “force” the view value to a specific value if the results can only be displayed in that view

If specified, only return values that have a key equal to or less than [value].

If specified, only return values that have a key equal to [value].

If specified, limit the returned results to a count no greater than [value]. Useful for paging.

If specified, skip [value] rows before returning values. Useful for paging.

If specified, only return values that have a key equal to or greater than [value].

Calls a predefine view and returns results. Results are in same basic format as a normal search. i.e. JSON. The purpose of this property is to allow user’s access to data outside of ES, normally data from m/r functions in CouchDB.