References » Run Parallel Microservices » Server Microservices

On systems with adequate resources, microservices can run in parallel to increase throughput performance. Yadle admins are given fine grain control over the number of parallel processes that can be launched for each individual microservice. Yadle supports running parallel microservices in ‘changes’ or ‘all’ mode in the same manner as the standard (non-parallel) microservices.

This guide will provide instruction for launching and managing parallel server microservices.

Start Parallel Server Microservices in ‘Changes’ Mode.

Step 1: Enter the server microservices directory on the Yadle server node.
$ cd /opt/yadle/microservices/server
Step 2: Run parallel microservices start script with arguments specifying the number of parallel processes to launch for each microservice.
$ sudo ./start_yadle_parallel \
--aitags-tfserving-colossus=<#> \
--aitags-tfserving-krell=<#> \
--filetype-icons=<#> \
--imagehash=<#> \
--normalization=<#> \
  • Values of 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, & 16 are allowed.
  • Microservices that are not initially specified as arguments will default to 0.
  • If using local CPUs for AI analysis, argument names for AI will be ‐‐aitags-colossus=<#> and ‐‐aitags-krell=<#>
  • Upon first execution, values entered will be saved in a parallel.config file. Stopping the parallel microservices and subsequently executing the ./start_yadle_parallel script without arguments will use values from config. Any microservice arguments added will overwrite value in config.

Stop Parallel Server Microservices in ‘Changes’ Mode.

Step 1: Enter the server microservices directory on the Yadle server node.
$ cd /opt/yadle/microservices/server
Step 2: Run parallel microservices stop script.
$ sudo ./stop_yadle_parallel 

Start Parallel Server Microservices in ‘All’ Mode.

For an overview of running server microservices in ‘all’ mode, refer to this guide.

Step 1: Enter the server microservices directory on the Yadle server node.
$ cd /opt/yadle/microservices/server
Step 2: Run parallel ‘all’ microservices start script with arguments specifying the number of parallel processes to launch for each microservice.
$ sudo ./start_yadle_parallel_all \
--aitags-tfserving-colossus=<#> \
--aitags-tfserving-krell=<#> \
--filetype-icons=<#> \
--imagehash=<#> \
--normalization=<#> \
  • Values of 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, & 16 are allowed.
  • Microservices that are not initially specified as arguments will default to 0.
  • If using local CPUs for AI analysis, argument names for AI will be ‐‐aitags-colossus=<#> and ‐‐aitags-krell=<#>
  • Upon first execution, values entered will be saved in a parallel-all.config file. Stopping the parallel microservices and subsequently executing the ./start_yadle_parallel_all script without arguments will use values from config. Any microservice arguments added will overwrite value in config.

Stop Parallel Server Microservices in ‘All’ Mode.

Step 1: Enter the server microservices directory on the Yadle server node.
$ cd /opt/yadle/microservices/server
Step 2: Run parallel ‘all’ microservices stop script.
$ sudo ./stop_yadle_parallel_all